Since 1992 April has been nominated each year as stress awareness month.  And whilst April has passed, this year’s theme of community is, perhaps, one to consider for the next 12 months.

As we emerge from the restrictions of the last two years, it is clear that stress is large part of people’s lives, both employer and employee alike.  Of the 1.7 million sick days in the last year nearly half were due to stress anxiety or depression.  It is the most common reason for absence from the workplace with 2 out of 5 employees recording a decline in their mental health because of the pandemic.

With the changes to how we live and work it is perhaps not surprising that people feel a sense of isolation and disconnection.  This year’s focus on community, both at home and work, is to try to create that community in different ways.

Whilst it is recognised that some stress is not work related, it is however, the responsibility of employers to ensure that stress in the workplace is managed in the same way as any other risk.  The working environment needs to be a safe place and employers should consider risk assessing stress in the same way that they would do for other more standard risks.  The Healthy and Safety Executive (HSE) have some useful documents to help with this available here and here.

For employees too, there is an increased expectation that they will take responsibility for their own mental wellbeing both in and out of work.  The NHS has a Mind Plan to help manage stress and anxiety with a plan to help improve the outlook.  Access to the plan is available here.

Creating a feeling of community, being able to relate to others and make connections, understanding and dealing with stress both at home and at work, can have a positive impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. For further help and guidance please call our legal helpline.

In the meantime, take care and do get in touch with me via email if you would like anything additionally from us.

Best Wishes, Jilly

Published On: May 25th, 2022

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